Privateer Profile: Luke Zielinski

Published On: September 18th, 2024Categories: News

In our latest Privateer Profile on Inside Dirt, we caught up with Luke Zielinski to get his thoughts on how his 2024 has played out so far.

How has the 2024 season been for you?
2024 has been tough for me to be honest. By the end of 2023 I felt like I got some momentum going and felt like I was moving forward slowly, which was good. However, my whole program changed for 2024, with a bike manufacturer change as well, and it honestly just never really worked bike wise and program wise. I struggled a lot this year getting comfortable on the bike at each different track as well. It’s disappointing for me, going from how I felt from the end of 2023 to my performance and feeling this year. Honestly, just felt like 10 steps backwards. So I’ve honestly been pretty disappointed! I was putting in more work then I have ever before and just never felt like I was improving. In saying that, for the remainder of the 2024 season I’ve gone back to what I know and am comfortable on. I’ve changed my whole program back to similar to last year for the upcoming SX season with some extra help from a few key people, which I’m stoked with for the remainder of 2024.

Give us an insight into your privateer program and all involved that help make it happen?
The privateer program and privateer life is tough. But I don’t know any different and I’m so grateful for the support from anyone who is onboard with me! I try to keep my program simple, however, between work, training and riding it certainly gets busy! I am lucky enough to still have my parents’ support to help cover some costs for bikes and travel and those kinds of things. For SX coming up, I have to give Dan McCoy and SFC Racing a massive shoutout for taking me onboard and gathering a bunch of support for me to be able to make SX happen! I am also lucky enough to have a flexible job to enable me to ride, train and travel when needed. Without these key people, I just simply wouldn’t be able to race. I’m also lucky to have a mechanic on race day being my brother. Everyone does their part to keep me going, but it certainly is the full privateer life!

What’s the average week in the life of Luke Zielinski look like?
The average week for me is pretty busy! Monday is always a full work day – 4am wake up and back home by 5pm, so I generally don’t get a whole lot done.
Tuesdays I try to always get a ride in if possible and train in the afternoon.
Wednesdays are either a work or ride day depending where I can find to ride and on what days and whatnot that week. I will usually train in the afternoon too.
Thursdays are generally a ride day, with some training myself in the afternoon.
Fridays are a full work day once again so never tend to get a whole lot done outside of work.

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons I also try to do some small kids coaching sessions after riding myself.

My weekends I try to have one day off riding and training and ride the other day.

So generally my weeks are pretty busy! Between work, riding and training it keeps me on my toes.

I also have some hobbies outside of racing so whatever spare time I get I also love to get the boat out fishing and camping and things like that!

Thoughts on racing overseas?
The racing overseas seems so gnarly! I honestly don’t know how to compare it as the tracks just seem so different to our tracks! Personally, I would love to be able to experience racing overseas so I can answer this more accurately haha! Racing overseas has always been a dream of mine. However I do feel as though our ProMX level is pretty good with the rest of the world! Kyle Webster proved this recently! I feel as though our few frontrunners could be up the front wherever in the world. However, I feel like our depth of speed is nowhere near Europe or the US. I’ve been lucky enough to experience one overseas race myself in Germany and some international guys are pretty gnarly to see!

Goals for the rest of 2024?
My goals for the rest of are pretty simple! Firstly, I need to get back to having fun at the races because that’s ultimately what it’s all about! This year has been mentally tough. I am feeling good back on the Yamaha already with a couple weeks under my belt of SX again. I know I have the potential and ultimately just have to make it all work on race day. I believe I can finish around the top five mark and if I can consistently be within the top six I would be stoked. It’s a stacked field and I’m just keen to get more experience under my belt with this only being my second season ever on SX. Going off last year’s results I feel like that is realistic, but at the same time, I have no idea until the gates drop at round one!

Images: ID Media Group